Monday 9 February 2015


I been noticing this, from very long.
even after people split, no longer in relationship- they choose to be good friends, be in contact.
 with a mind set of- friends with benefits.
and so, if you look at the benefits they are as follows- get to be introduced everywhere, as ex
2. you are always invited in every get- together, and so, you have a freedom to have fun anytime. bcz, u no longer in relationship.

also, you make sure, you are closer to your ex sometimes, after getting drunk, or his recent partner catches you in uncomfortable situations, created by you. and so, there relationship is always on stake.
 by yours god grace.

weird, i feel it.
why do people still want to be with somebody, who has changed his taste now.
 he is no more interested in eating the same sheit.
why dn' t people start respecting self.
if you dnt respect your body, your soul. how can you expect the respect from the stranger.
he is just a fuck buddy of your life. and there are so many.

one secret i want to share with you today-
i met ex, bcz, i wanted to see, how people change ?
how can people be mean to  extent ?

so, i met him, and i can sense it from everywhere,
 the way, he looks at me, the way he talks, really,,!!!!!

yes, while talking also, i realized  this- the same guy who use to kiss you before you complete your sentences,and you never needed to explain yourself.
 now, you feel it different, when the same guy, looks strong into your eyes, straight into your face, and says- fuck you!
he hardly cares for you.
 hardly means, nothing
he do not care for you anymore.
 he do not have any feelings for you now.
 he has realized, what he needs, and  he is very sure of it, too
 from where to get his needs fulfilled.
 he is smart enough to move on fast, and he is not a emotional soul.
and better, you also learn the same.

i am not shocked to see, and face the realities,
good i met and faced it.
 it makes me strong,
but, i would be another asshole, if i do the same again.
 or repeat the same mistakes, expecting, he is not the same..

ok, the secret is- ex is still interested in being good friends.
friends with benefits, fuck buddies we call it.
i felt it proud, that i tried all my best, all my efforts could not help.
 be it be my face, body, emotions,
all failed.
 mr. DICK, was smart enough to leave his impressions. and he is in memory still, bcz, of that.

i feel it proud, when he says-
FEELINGS - feelings of nerves, veins, blood, heart beats, skin, hair, pubes, hot air, tongue, saliva, you understand what i mean?

I would be an asshole, if i follow the same, without respecting my body, my soul
and go to him, as the way he needs me,
 the way he wants

m sorry, i am not a toy