Thursday 27 November 2014


Now, I feel- why do we need heart inside?
if it has just a function of pumping blood into the blood vessels, why I am always been blamed, about my heart to be EMOTIONAL?

I think, there is some problem into my heart only.
I wish, I could open it, and see. how it is different from the rest.

I am 24 you are 42
I said- I think, I am falling for you
 you said- you already love me, you feel the connection.
we have the bond forever.
its more than just love.
I was thinking of you, day night.
you were busy into your own life.
you showed me lots of dreams, lots of talks. I believed all.
 this was not happening to me for the first time. nor do I do not know, how lovers behave, after sex.
nor do, I do not know, you will be acting the same, as rest all, into my life did.
I had a feeling, you are true, loyal, unique.
most important, this time, I looked into eyes.
they say- eyes always speak the truth.
now, I ask the eyes- are you also the same?
i have lots of things going into my mind all the times.
i keep blaming self. and sometimes, you.
most of the times, i am happy thinking,
 good. i got another lesson.
well, to be very frank, i always listen to my heart.
heart is never wrong. nor do the encutions.
if i am born with a weak heart, the heart, which feels pain, than just pumping blood
mind you,
 i am born with great self respect too.
it might be the destiny, may be a learning lesson to me.
 but, i do not let you use me emotionally now.
whatever be the situations-
either u stop caring for me.
stop sending me msges.
stop responding to my calls
stop replying to my emails.
you can not stop me, thinking of you
I will pray, every day minimum 10 times  a day, with wishes-
may god, give you all the happiness, success, prosperity in your life.
and mind you,
 i will do it all along my life.
they say- MOVE ON.
 no, i do not want to.
 i will not.
i will keep loving you forever,
the heart will keep feeling about it, till it pumps blood.
for you, it might be just a casual meeting, a sex date, a stranger, whom you hug, cuddle, sleep and relax.
mind you,
 i am not a product, from any super market. who you use and throw.
even, products also have prices, to be paid.
i will not stop thinking of you.
also, i promise- i will try my best to fulfill the dreams. which were just the words for you.
you were talking
i was imagining
you were making stories
i was making characters
you were naming cities
i was finding locations
and so, it was not a bad love story.
you made me wait, for long.
 now, i have stopped believing in time.
the clock, seems to be moving all around the boarders only.
every day- it has morning, afternoon and evening.
every day in the week, is same. you just name it differently.
the more, i am growing older, more i am loosing hope,
 hope of being
being of wings.
i know, once i had it.
and so, i met you
and so, it happened
you call it love
 i call it incident.
they say- every love story has an END.
because, you treat it like a story
but, mine is not a story, nor a fairy tell.
it has pain, and i am feeling it.
and so, it is ...............

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