Saturday 29 August 2015



So, when i say- there is too much of struggle in life.
one needs to understand self first and then explain the same to others,, is very much right.
the world has become too interfering that, there is no personal life, there is no privacy in someones life.
and more than that, people perceive you the way they want to.
 no matter, whatever you do and whatever you are

 does my orientation depends on lack of knowledge of people?
 if they do not understand it,, NOT MY PROBLEM.
 if they are narrow minded, uneducated, why do i need to face it EVERYWHERE.. EVERYDAY.

one needs to understand that- i am not one of those sex starved people.

i need to take a stand. the gay community here,, specially the ones, in fashion/ art. design is very weird and reckless.

why do people take unfair advantage of sexual liberation.
 making the whole concept of homosexuality as "HAIWAANIYAT".
i am not one of those and i was never like this.
 so, one needs to understand, i am not among st the rest.

because i am not!
the fact that, i am gay is just a part of my sexual identity.
 but its not the only things, i am.

one needs to look at other things what i am than just being a gay.
 i mean to say- look at my work, than just MY BODY.

i a,m someone who is working in all possible fields in fashion/ art/ design/ photography/ and more creative space. than being just a DICK

so, people should learn to see beyond.

for me,, its simply cleared- " jis raste nhi jana,, ush raste ke pate ka kya karna.."
( the way i do not want to go, i do not care of the address)

and i have accepted myself, my orientation, my sexuality, my needs, and my work too
so, please be kind,,
 be nice to me,,
 and please give some respect,
 when you see me next time around.

Monday 24 August 2015

the red Envelope

the letter, i wrote last night.
 when there was darkness all around

they all were into deep sleep and i was the one sitting into my balcony
and smoking my lungs away

i felt a pain,, inside
yes, it was very familiar and known pain.

i thought of you
and i wrote my tears and wanted to send it away
 its still under my pillows.
 i hope, not to see it again.,
 i just pray of missing it

i do not have strength to post it

the letter is written with my tears, and it has RED color all over.
i am sure, once you touch the Envelope  you wont be able to differentiate the true RED.

- Parishmita dekha,,, thank you so much for the quality pictures

Saturday 15 August 2015


I asked him- ARE YOU AN ARTIST?

He replied- whats that?


Do you create Art works?

No- i paint walls.



Similarities between all creative people- they all are NOT RICH


 "this is only what, i can do. so i do it"-  he said. 

 you are so colorful, painted all over.
he smiled and said- i cant be clean and paint too

 i love what you are wearing.
give it to me please.

he said- take it!
with open heart.

and then, i see all similarities between Him and an Artist.