Saturday 31 August 2013



By a little UNCOMFORTABLE pain, I realized my selves into the arms of  my owner, whose fingers had completely digged me and still, I can feel them inside me.
But, could not say anything’s. cried a lot, when I was leaving and my mouth has started paining and I don’t remember, when I fell sleep.
I just pushed my selves away from him, managed my clothes, which were to heavy and long to manage all alone.
I peeped out of the window of the hired car and I can see lots of noise outside, people waiting all over the road. It was a unknown  area for me, where I can feel myself all alone.
As I can recollect from my memories, I could remember, there was one lady, who cried till today, and had lots of complaints. Just because i was unwanted.
There were two more unwanted companions of me, called my sisters. Unhappy, unsatisfied and always worried.
They had their reasons for being happy about me. I heard them talking, I will be given lots of love, care from this guy.
I had one more owner, who use to work hard, all day out.
He was the one who cried a lot, the moment I went to hug him. He looked satisfied, My be because he was trusting my new owner and he was confident of his decision. Or may be because I was leaving today.
The ladies, who all had gathered at the market, where I was being sold they were all singing, dancing, exposing themselves with all colors and metals on them.
Someone from the crowd, came and touched my face, appreciated telling- I was looking beautiful today, because I was being married today. But I think, I looked fresh, because lots of care, attention I was getting today, lots of special treatment to me. No one had any complaints to me. i was sitting in the centre, all around them, completely blank.
Now, I don’t know even what this man is going to do to me. I hope to see a new life, someone told me, He is very rich and has lots of money.
I could not talk to him yet. I am always scared of talking to men. I find them weird. They look to you, talk something else, and their eyes somewhere else.
Now also, I feel my selves trapped.
The lady, told me- he is going to take care of me a lot. He will fulfill all my demands and so as the priest, who demanded lots of money clothes and food for this ceremony.
But, I think, for everything in life, we pay. Nothing is free.
So, I am scared of asking anything from this man, because I don’t know what all my demands now. Don’t know, where I will be living and what I will be doing.
Some one said- after you get married, you share your everything to men.
Thinking of me as an object, because he is my new owner now. I am sure, he is going to make best use of me.
Someone who him selves is not satisfied, how he will be satisfying me?
I will have to obey him for every weird demand, keeping my comforts asides now.

I turned back to the glass behind, I could not see anything. It was completely covered with dust all over, with the advertisement by name saying- HAPPY MARRIED.

Sunday 25 August 2013


DEATH OF A LEAF                                                                          i was speaking to a tree yesterday afternoon, over the streets. They said- it was a part of me. and i realized-

i had always noticed it when it was shaking hands with the air, tied with the branches and saying HI, to me all the times. but, now, when i was walking , i could not force my selves to notice it, when it was lying under my shoes. CRYING, when i hit it with my shoes.

yes, its into my nature. i IGNORE things. when they DIE.


do you ask questions to yourselves?


you should!
because, i think, there is a reason behind everything. few we can see, few not.
few are straight and few hidden.
so, i started this concept knowing there is  A SECRET INSIDE EVERYONE OF US.AND WE ESCAPE FROM IT (OURSELVES).
because, we are scared to face it.
may be we are scared of the result, thinking, what will happen, BLAH,, if i do BLAH!!!!!