Saturday 26 July 2014


                                   Very Difficult to make someone understand, what you think
                              because, its very different from what i want to make them understand.
                                      as a human, they have a certain perspective towards things.
                                         the social, cultural, and lot more things, affect a mind.
                                          and so, even if i try hard, make them, understand it
                                         make them, believe, my way. i feel, it IMPOSSIBLE.

                                              i was talking to him, he never listen to it.
                                                    may be don't wanted to.
                                               his mind was somewhere else.
                              whatever, i was saying, it was putting a different vision of it.
                                                         into his mind.
                                                  and he understood it.
                                                     as he perceived it.

                                                         weird no?
                                                       yes, for me,
                                                 what is weird, does not have to be weird from others point too.

                                           WEIRD CAN BE BEAUTIFUL TOO.

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