Sunday 1 November 2015

What is love? And why do I need it?

I feel being usedMy feelingsMy emotions

Being a gay, it’s normal to let your body used!!
It’s someone’s choice.

Again, I would say, I was one fool,, waited and always looked for love.


I don’t want to look into mirror and see someone’s face into my eyes.
I don’t want to smell of someone else’s body.
 I don’t want to think of someone, who does not have time for me.
 I do not want to be a mom and care for someone, if someone else is not interested in knowing how I am!!

What is love?
 And why do I need it?

Recalling of my last post,

 Where my ex told me, I am immature. I mix sex and love together.
 These are two different Things!!

Well, I am always grateful to all those people who came to my life, taught me,, and gave me lesson of my life.
I shall be always thankful to them.
 Without their help (heart breaks, rude, mean behavior I won’t been able to come till here)
And apart from all those pain, I made till here.
Off course, the credit goes to them only!

Now, I am still 24. I try looking old, because I hate being called immature.
 I always wanted to run faster than time. Live all my lives into this single life only.
 I believed into love,

 And now, I have reached a stage, where I feel love to be a slow poison.
 Slow death.

Why do I need someone? When I love being myself

I am too loud, one can easily make out that I am Gay.
 Looking at my body language,
 My dressings,and the overall me. I go out on streets and I am one installation, new released music video who everyone wants to look at.
And someone who I am with, do not like it.
 For them, maybe It’s all my fault.
 I bet, even if you cover this piece of meat, and take me out.
 People going to look at.
 Because they are just people, a part of crowd.

Why do I suffer?

 What’s my fault?

I be honest, I try to share my true feelings. Whatever comes into my mind?
 Again, you don’t like it, because for you, I am being just dumb and sarcastic.
 What is love then?

 I can’t even share my true feelings, my views.
Right now, I feel like asking everyone, my all body parts. Tell me, what’s my fault?
Where I am wrong/?

I am one of those, who feel bad at the first reaction, but also come back and understand the deep meaning.

 My boss says- I never understand things in one go!
 Well, this is how I am then.

 If I have accepted myself like this. Why do you have problems with it?
 Still, if you have, DO KILL ME, PLEASE!!

Trust me, I am one of those, you would love to meet, you would love to listen.
 Because, I look good, and I talk sense.

 I don’t understand where my sun sign is going wrong.

 I never have been into any relationship.
 Now, I understand the true meaning, of those lines, which I use to hear all my all old days.
 When you look for things, it never comes.

So true.

 I wanted to get married to a boy, in spite of India being second populated country, I am not able to find a right guy, who I can be with more than a week, and forget about marriage.
 I feel I don’t believe in marriage anymore.
I have seen all of my straight friends getting married and crying later.
I have seen all gay couple been together from ages, and they never have sex with each other.
 They always need a spicy mixed grill to grill.

Insane again.

Why should I fool? My school teacher, my parents, or the strangers, who used to give me unwanted suggestions into my life.

Well, I do not care about any of those, I am sure, they do the same.
 I want to look into mirror and stand strong, I wish to face myself.

I am young, bold and beautiful.

Still single why?

Is there something wrong with my vibes? Lol
I am over thinking of this topic too much, off course, I need to.


Let the time come.

 Good things happen at right time.
I do not want to rush, off course not.
 All of my past wrong nos. I have dialed till now, makes me feel dirty.
I feel my body dirty; god knows how many came and touched.
 Still, I feel happy; no one could touch the soul.
 That’s what matters more.
I wish to die now.

 Take a new birth, new body, and new skin.
 But how will it help,

 I will be again, into same world, where same people will come and make me dirty again.

I must stop writing now.

Have a great weekend ahead

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