Monday 30 May 2016


LEVELS OF ISOLATION - Will finishing me, end this pain? I cant handle it anymore. Its going all over my nerves.

 LEVELS OF ISOLATION - I heard love is a beautiful feeling. Why i feel miserable. Why i feel helpless? You said, you will be always there for me. If my love for you is one sided, i would like to step back. Its killing me and i always dream of living in love, with love, besides love. 

 LEVELS OF ISOLATION - I never asked for it. You only wanted me. May be who i am in society? May be my body? May be my appearance? But i always looked for SOULMATE. Why i always forget everything, when i look into your eyes! 

 LEVELS OF ISOLATION - I am loosing myself slowly. I am dying slowly everyday. I dont care of my existence anymore bcz. I care for you more. I think of you every time with my every breathe. And its painful, you dont care of it at all. 

 LEVELS OF ISOLATION - Do you even realize what lessons you have given to me? Not to trust people Not to believe in love I am scared of smiling. I am scared of humans now.

 LEVELS OF ISOLATION - Love is a choice and i made this choice. So am i suffering? Was loving you a mistake? 

LEVELS OF ISOLATION - Its a destructive feeling. It pains. It hurts. I am not able to sleep properly, eat properly, live properly.

 LEVELS OF ISOLATION - Its not easy! Its painful! It takes all your energies away. Leaves you blank and empty hearted. 

 LEVELS OF ISOLATION - It was raining outside. It was dark and quite inside. He was in pain. I saw him suffering.  


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